Customer Insights Superpowers for Product teams

For the first time, a course for Product leaders and teams who want to acquire "superpowers." Learn how to collect, analyze, and utilize customer insights, using models of psychology and high-level qualitative research, just like it's done in huge tech companies.

Trained from us

  • From Unicorn tech companies, rising startups
  • to embassies and commercial chambers of commerce
  • We have trained over 1500 people.

The problem

Have you ever launched a feature with great excitement only to realise that few to no users wanted to use it?

Are you building mainly to match-up competition or based on what various stakeholders are asking?

Are you losing customers (churn rate) because "it's to expensive for me" or because "Not using it anymore"?

Are you feeling confused about what to build next, for whom and how?

If you answered yes in any of the above questions, then you are a perfect candidate for the Customer Insights Course.

What You Will Learn


    What Customer Insights you need

    We will learn what kind of customer insights you need to make a collection plan.


    Collect Customer Insights at scale

    We will learn techniques for collecting customer insights at scale on autopilot.


    Analyse Customer Insights

    We will learn how to analyze customer insights as well as AI tools that help us.


    Insights driven Growth / Product decisions

    We will learn to take precise strategic and tactical decisions through customer insights.


    Jobs-to-be-done Framework

    We will learn the Jobs-to-be-done model used by the largest tech companies.


    Apply Jobs-to-be-done to Growth / Product

    We will learn technical applications of the Jobs-to-be-done model that give us an advantage in the market.


    Deep customer interview techniques

    We will learn how to conduct customer interviews with techniques derived from psychotherapy.


    Customer Interviews training

    We will practice customer interviews to be able to implement them in our companies.

What Else the Program Includes

  • Masters 04mockup
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  • Screenshot 2023 11 10 at 7.14.46 pm

Meet Your Instructor

Hello, I am Angelos and I will be your instructor in almost all the programs of the Product-led Academy. If you know me at all, you know that you can simply find me online and start a conversation. Don't hesitate!

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Aggelos Mouzakitis, Product Growth expert & instructor

I started working in digital at the age of 19 as a marketer. At 23, I got my first managerial position in marketing, and at 27, I led the digital image of Greece abroad. From 27 to 33, I lived in London and Strasbourg, making a career turn towards Product. I have taught over 1500 people and collaborated with over 100 technology products. I have built a name for myself abroad with my work, and a simple search will answer many of your questions. I would be delighted to be your instructor on this journey towards product expertise.

After getting our team on a Feedback-driven Growth session with Aggelos, our team just gets our customers on a whole new level. It's like we've got this no-nonsense roadmap to really understanding what our customers want — no more second-guessing or shooting in the dark. Aggelos hands you the tools to cut through the noise and hone in on what your customers are really trying to tell you.

Foti Panagio, CEO @Growthmentor

We reached out to Aggelos because we needed someone who knows the ins and outs of collecting and analysing customer insights since our team often needs to conduct interviews. His training style was interactive, and he focused on practical things. He went above and beyond to ensure everyone was ready to get into the trenches. If you have a chance to work with him, take it with no second thought.

George Chasiotis, CEO @Minuttia

Who It's For

This course is aimed at senior Product leaders, or teams, as well as Tech founders as the information taught requires relevant experience.

Product leaders

Use cases:

  • Optimize the Product roadmap 
  • Product feedback loops 
  • Reduce churn rate 
  • Optimize Product strategy

Tech Founders

Use cases:

  • Growth Marketers' use cases
  • Product Leaders' use cases
  • Evidence-driven go-to-market strategy & team planning

Acquire the Superpower of Customer Insights

  • Price per student

    For students who have already successfully passed the interview.
    Per student
    • ✓
      16 hours of lessons
    • ✓
      35 interviews
    • ✓
      40 templates
    • ✓
      Access to the material for 1 year
    • ✓
      Access to our community
    • ✓
      Attendance certification
  • Price per internal team

    For companies that want to train their entire internal teams.
    Custom price
    Per student
    • ✓
      Tailored to the team's challenges
    • ✓
      16 hours of lessons
    • ✓
      35 interviews
    • ✓
      40 templates
    • ✓
      Access to the material for 1 year
    • ✓
      Access to our community
    • ✓
      Attendance certification